IDX Broker offers multiple co-marketing opportunities to help promote your business.
Developer Partners Search Page
This page is located at
You must have at least 10 clients to appear on this page.
You will need to submit a logo with these specs:
File Type
.PNG with a transparent background
Width: 224px
Height: 123px
Please keep in mind that these logos will be on a very light gray background (#F1EFEF) so we recommend testing your logo on top of that color and adjusting it as necessary to ensure it will show up.
Again these images must be exactly these specification or we will be unable to use them.
Integrations Page
Developers have created some great IDX Broker integrations. CRMS, mobile applications, WordPress plugins, etc.. IDX Broker features these integrations on
Most integrations rely on the IDX Broker API. You do not need to be a Developer Partner to create an integration or to appear on this page.
All integrations must be examined by IDX Broker. You can submit your integration to us anytime; however, the method of submission will depend on the type of integration you have created.
Our preference is a demo version of your integration.
Co-Branded Sign Up Page and Client Dashboard
Upload your logo to your Partner Dashboard to have your logo appear on your sign up page as well as on the your client’s dashboard.