New methods added to 1.2.2
New methods are postalcodes, postalcodeslistname, and countieslistname. These area all client level calls.
“countieslistname”:{“supported”:{“GET”:true,”POST”:false,”PUT”:false,”DELETE”:false},”status”:”active”,”description”:”A list of all the IDs and names for each of a client county lists including MLS county lists.”,”availableReturnFields”:[“id”,”name”,”stateAbrv”]}
“postalcodes”:{“supported”:{“GET”:true,”POST”:false,”PUT”:false,”DELETE”:false},”status”:”deprecated”,”description”:”A list of all the postalcodes available in each of a client postalcode lists.”,”availableReturnFields”:[“id”,”name”,”stateAbrv”]}
postalcodeslistname”:{“supported”:{“GET”:true,”POST”:false,”PUT”:false,”DELETE”:false},”status”:”active”,”description”:”A list of all the IDs and names for each of a client postalcode lists including MLS postalcode lists.”,”availableReturnFields”:[“id”,”name”,”stateAbrv”]}
Bulk Lead PUT was also added to this version in the leads component.

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