We are trying to figure out how to login a lead programmatically.
This isn’t about registration. We are already doing that.
The thing we want is to login as a user. In order to do that, we need the id from this url: http://domain.idxbroker.com/idx/ajax/userlogin.php?vlog=1&id=c5529425dfebfd52
That lead is lead #2 on this page: https://middleware.idxbroker.com/mgmt/editlead.php?id=2. But the ID on the login is the encrypted one: c5529425dfebfd52. My question is “How are they encrypted?”. That is what we need in order to “login” as the user.
This looks like a case for the IDX Broker developers I met in Austin this spring.
It should be as simple as saying “it is a 16 character MD5 hash” (http://www.freecodeformat.com/md516.php) or something like that. Then we can get information from the cookies and apply that info to our client’s sites.
When we do this, it provides great opportunities for customizations that will keep clients happy and part of the IDX Broker ecosystem.

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