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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61

      I was asked to share some insights from one of my clients, who is VERY active in using her IDX account, in the hopes that these suggestions might be addressed or there might be some improvements that can be made. Most of her issues have to do with Leads & how they are managed in her account or how they can be better managed. Her team is very active & successful in pursuing all leads and in the last 9 days alone she has over 45 leads! I truly believe that this client can help to improve the Lead Handling system as she has some really great insights and suggestions. She is in the Charlotte NC MLS & her site is

      ******MESSAGE BELOW********

      I have a few IDX issues that I would like to see if they can get resolved.

      For the IDX people, they should know that as a team leader, I am in charge of creating the rain. Which I do. The payoff for my ability to create rain, is to keep a handle on my leads as I dole them out to my agents. I doubt that I am alone on this, but our local MLS seems to be an easier place for my agents to set up an ongoing search for their (which are MY clients). So, if my agents place the client in an MLS feed, I lose control of the client…per MLS rules. There is no way around that.

      Which makes my goal of keeping these clients on feeds from my site, and my IDX (you) imperative.

      There are two negatives that the MLS has:
      1.) If a prospect/client doesn’t click on the search for X amount of days, the MLS automatically de-activates them. Extremely annoying as some of these folks take a year and a half to sell a home and relocate here…
      2.)For me, I lose control of the lead. Money gone. If an agent decides to leave my team, they can take every lead they’ve placed in their MLS feed and keep it. I have no control

      So…here is what flows so different in the MLS vs IDX…

      Certain searches, and the ability to view what takes place with a lead quickly.
      The uptown and Lake searches can be handled quickly within the MLS by using a Map Search. For my agents to use a MapSearch within the IDX, my understanding is that I would have to give them access to the main account so they can then create a map search for their clients.

      I know I have addressed this in the past, but the Master on the Main can not be addressed with a search through the IDX. My MLS says, yes it can. This IDX says, we’re working on it.

      And, this is from my agent Karen…who has a ton of searches set up in the MLS right now, which means I can’t track them. I have listed them at the bottom of this page.

      I’ve got another request for Charra..

      Ok, So I go thru and look at who is active on MLS and, first call, then shoot them this quick email. And I really hate to keep comparing to MLS but…
      On the Matrix it shows, in a list form what the criteria is, on IDX – we need to scroll thru boxes to see what we have, might miss something if there is (say) a high school that we can’t see in the box…
      If these folks start creating their own search it would be very helpful for us to be able to see their criteria in one quick glance…

      This is the list of the leads Karen currently has set up in MLS:
      Pino Mantovani
      TJ Leddy
      Mark Gonzalez
      Chad Lawson
      Wanda hill
      Ken Marchand
      Tom Gallagher
      Mahen & Joti .
      Raghava Induru
      mary wagner
      Maylon Hayes
      L Hinton
      nate reise
      Patty Ransome
      Edwina Cressy
      Brooke Freeman
      prafull shukla
      Paula gustafson
      Sarah Lee
      ALICE Zellars
      david taylor
      Bob Gustafson
      Heidi Marie Reppert
      karen olds
      Soneeka Soni
      Lori Yates
      Michelle Afflitto
      Carlton Sanders
      Gern Scott
      Kiran Malemath
      \’mike james
      Colleen Vasicko
      mary swann
      Christine Wissell
      priyanka gupta
      Ryan Tate
      chris marshall
      David Wang
      Chad Shields
      Sheila Shields
      Cassandra Galloway
      Jen Jackson
      Meredith Haggerty
      Kimberly Jefferies
      paul comesky
      Julia Banks
      Jamie Castaneda
      M Estevez
      mark mcneely
      Rebecca Padgett
      vaishali shah
      mary diloreto
      James Campa
      Kathryn Konefal
      cindy tacker
      Nandita Shirale
      luis perez
      Jenn Dorsey
      Cynthia Frazier
      David Buth
      Laurie Sharkey
      teri marsh
      ronnie sauciunac
      Lisa Cornwell
      amy smith
      Atul Khanna
      Mary Ann Smith
      michelle gary
      Ericka Morse

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    • James Call
      Post count: 11


      We are working on a tool for IDX Addons that will do many of these things. I like the map search idea for the agents.

      What is ” Master on the Main”???

      The biggest issue I see here is that for one MLS to make everything work great for their MLS is much easier than for IDX Broker to make a tool that is as dynamic and has as rich a feature set for many MLS.

      That is the core issue.

      Our new tool is Agents – Leads on WP. Let me know if you have some ideas that we can implement.



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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61

      Thanks James! I have talked to her about the tools you offer & we are discussing adding it.

      Master on Main is an IDX Field. The MLS is saying the it is available to add to the Advanced Search page but IDXBroker cannot confirm.

      Their MLS says:
      We do have “Master Bedroom” in the list of Main Level Rooms. Your IDX vendor should be able to create a button on your IDX website for “Master on the Main,” but they will need to figure out the programming for it.

      Soon, we are currently waiting on the client to send us a listing with this field so we can look for it. 🙂

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