Build with IDX Broker Forums General Discussion Announcements MLS Intraday Updates

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    • Nick Leech
      Post count: 179

      List of feeds that are currently on the new ACQ system which has atleast 12 hour updates.

      IdxID MLS Name (Short Name)
      a002 California Real Estate Technology Services (CARETS)
      b003 My Florida Regional MLS (MFRMLS)
      a004 Metropolitan Regional Info System (MRIS)
      b011 MLSListings Inc. (MLSListings)
      a014 Trend MLS (Trend)
      d025 California Regional MLS (CRMLS)
      b026 Triangle MLS (TMLS)
      b028 Connecticut Statewide MLS (CTStatewide)
      c028 SmartMLS (SmartMLS)
      a030 Coastal Carolinas MLS (CCAR)
      b032 First MLS (FMLS)
      b035 Pikes Peak MLS (PPAR)
      b037 RealComp (RealComp)
      b038 Southwest MLS (SWMLS)
      a039 Alaska MLS (AKMLS)
      a043 Information and Real Estate Services (IRES)
      b044 Aspen Glenwood Springs MLS (AGSMLS)
      b048 Bryan-College Station MLS (BCSMLS)
      c049 Knoxville MLS (KAARMLS)
      b050 North Carolina Mountains MLS (WNCMLS)
      a054 Northeast Florida MLS (NEFMLS)
      b055 Willamette Valley MLS (WVMLS)
      a057 Mid America Regional Info Systems (MARIS)
      a059 South Jersey Shore Regional MLS (SJSRMLS)
      b061 Columbus MLS (CBRMLS)
      a062 Eastern New York Regional MLS (ENYRMLS)
      a067 Tucson MLS (TARMLS)
      a069 Omaha MLS (OMLS)
      a070 Fort Hood MLS (FHMLS)
      b072 Wasatch Front Regional MLS-RETS (WFRMLS-RETS)
      a073 Washington County MLS (WCMLS)
      a074 Fresno MLS (Fresno)
      a075 Black Hills MLS (BHMLS)
      b076 Brevard MLS (BMLS)
      b077 Multiple Listing Service of Oklahoma (MLSOK)
      b078 Santa Fe MLS (SFARMLS)
      a079 Cincinnati MLS (CincyMLS)
      c081 Realtor Association of Martin County MLS RETS (RAMC-RETS)
      a082 Metro Milwaukee MLS (MetroMLS)
      a083 Keystone Multi-List (Keystone)
      b084 Summit County MLS (SARMLS)
      b085 Daytona Beach AOR MLS (DBAMLS)
      a086 Sumter MLS RETS (SMLS-RETS)
      a090 Western Arizona Realtor Data Exchange (WARDEX)
      a091 Greater Greenville MLS (GGMLS)
      b092 Bay Area Real Estate Info Services (BAREIS)
      a096 New Smyrna MLS (NSMY)
      a097 Coastal Bend Association of Realtors RETS (CBAOR-RETS)
      a098 MLS of Central Oregon (MLSCO)
      b100 Gulf South Real Estate Info Network (GSREIN)
      a103 Montana Regional MLS (MRMLS)
      a104 Iowa City Area MLS (ICAARMLS)
      a106 Sanibel and Captiva Island MLS (SANCAPMLS)
      c119 Hawaii Central MLS – Active Only (HiCentralActive)
      b120 Hudson County MLS (HCMLS)
      a122 Peoria MLS (PEMLS)
      b127 Commonwealth MLS Cooperative (CCOOP)
      c128 Gainesville-Alachua County MLS RETS (GACMLS-RETS)
      b130 Flagler County MLS RETS (FLGMLS-RETS)
      a134 Upper Cumberland MLS RETS (UCMLS-RETS)
      a140 Highland Lakes MLS (HLMLS)
      b143 North Alabama Multiple Listing Service (NALMLS)
      a144 Western Upstate MLS (UMLS)
      a146 Mountain Home MLS (MHMLS)
      a148 Northern Nevada Regional MLS (NNRMLS)
      a150 New Mexico Multi-Board MLS (NMMLS)
      a154 Green Valley-Sahuarita (GRNVLYSAH)
      a161 Maui MLS (RAMAUI)
      a162 South Central Wisconsin MLS (SCWMLS)
      a164 Tuolumne MLS (TCAR)
      a165 Iron County MLS (ICBOR)
      b169 Big Bear MLS (BBVMLS)
      a175 Lexington Bluegrass MLS (LBAR)
      a178 Cape May County MLS (CMCAOR)
      a182 Mini-Cassia MLS (MINIMLS)
      a184 Great Smoky Mountains MLS (GSMMLS)
      a186 Cheyenne MLS (CYMLS)
      a190 Lincoln County MLS Montana (LCMLS-M)
      a192 Northeast Arkansas BOR RETS (NEABOR-RETS)
      b193 Des Moines MLS (DMMLS)
      a197 York & Adams Counties MLS (RAYAC)
      a199 Lehigh Valley MLS (LVMLS)
      a205 Sheridan MLS (SRMLS)
      a207 Mid Hudson MLS (MHMLS)
      a211 Telluride MLS (TRIDEMLS)
      a214 Olympic MLS (OCMLS)
      a216 Coastal Association MLS (CAMLS)
      a218 Central Iowa/Ames MLS (AMES)
      a227 Outer Banks MLS (OBMLS)
      a233 Lake of the Ozarks MLS (LOBR)
      b239 Sioux Empire MLS (RASE)
      b240 Range MLS RETS (RAOR)
      b246 Quad City Commercial MLS (QCCMLS)
      b248 Northwest Wisconsin MLS RETS (RANWW-RETS)
      b249 Beaumont MLS-RETS (BBOR)
      a250 Longleaf Pine REALTORS®, Inc. (LPINE)
      b251 Northeast Georgia MLS (NEGMLS)
      a254 Coeur d’Alene MLS (CDMLS)
      a257 Greater Pee Dee MLS (PDMLS)
      b260 Vail Multi List (VBRMLS)
      IdxID MLS Name (Short Name)
      a263 Calaveras County MLS (CCARMLS)
      a264 Natchez MLS (NATCHEZ)
      a269 New River Valley MLS (NRVAR)
      a272 Greenbrier Valley MLS (GVMLS)
      b279 Lee County MLS RETS (LCMLS-RETS)
      c279 Lee County MLS RETS (LCMLS-RETS)
      a280 West Central Association of REALTORS (WCAR)
      a283 Columbia MO MLS (CBORMLS)
      a285 Manhattan Kansas MLS (MARMLS)
      a287 Kansas Property Ads MLS (KPAMLS)
      a289 Mammoth Lakes MLS (MLBOR)
      b290 Piedmont Regional AOR RETS (PRARMLS-RETS)
      a296 Walla Walla MLS RETS (WWMLS-RETS)
      a297 Southern Oklahoma MLS (SOKMLS)
      a299 North Central Washington MLS (NCWMLS)
      a300 Spartanburg MLS (SPTBGMLS)
      b307 Lakeway Area MLS (LAAMLS)
      a311 West Alabama MLS (WAMLS)
      b311 West Alabama MLS (WAMLS)
      a323 Sunflower MLS (SAORMLS)
      a324 Lakes Country Mn MLS (LCMLS)
      a326 Greater Northwoods MLS (GNMLS)
      a331 Lynchburg MLS (LMLS)
      a335 Lawrence MLS (Lawrence)
      a340 Idaho Mountain Central MLS RETS (IMCMLS-RETS)
      a342 San Juan County MLS (SJCMLS)
      a345 Salina Kansas MLS (SKMLS)
      a347 Indiana Regional MLS (IRMLS)
      a350 Franklin and Gulf Counties MLS (RAFSG)
      b355 Grand Junction MLS RETS (GJMLS-RETS)
      a358 St Joseph MLS (STJMLS)
      a365 Catawba Valley MLS (CVMLS)
      a366 Decatur MLS (DARMLS)
      a378 Mason City MLS (MCMLS)
      b380 Centre County (CentreMLS-RETS)
      c380 Centre County MLS RETS (CCAR-RETS)
      a389 Lassen MLS (LMLS)
      a397 Teton MLS (Teton)
      a403 South Tahoe MLS (STAR)
      a404 Southeastern Indiana MLS (SEIMLS)
      a411 Texas MLS (TEXMLS)
      a416 Greater Wilkes Barre MLS (WBAMLS)
      a420 Marinette MLS (MMLS)
      a423 Sutter Yuba MLS (SYMLS)
      a427 Texarkana MLS (TMLS)
      a444 Greater Fairbanks MLS (GFMLS)
      a448 Heart of Kentucky MLS (HKMLS)
      a467 Northeast Louisiana MLS (NELAR)
      c485 Cape Cod MLS (CCMLS)
      b490 Selkirk MLS (SLKMLS-RETS)
      b504 West Penn MLS (WPMLS)
      b508 Northeast Iowa (NEIBR)
      a514 Grand Forks Board of REALTORS (GFBMLS)
      a560 Pacific Regional MLS (PACMLS)
      a561 Central Susquehanna Valley Board of Realtors (CSVBR)
      b572 Rio Grande Valley MLS RETS (RGVMLS-RETS)
      a580 Imperial County AOR (ICAOR)
      a584 Great Falls MLS (GFMLS)
      a593 Dublin MLS RETS (DUBMLS-RETS)
      a594 San Angelo AOR RETS (SAAORMLS-RETS)
      a596 Hays MLS (HAYSMLS)
      a606 Medicine Hat Real Estate Board (MHMLS)
      a609 Lewis and Clark Board of Realtors (LCBORMLS)
      a620 Southwest Mississippi RETS (SWM-RETS)
      a623 Hot Springs BOR MLS (HSBOR)
      a628 Royal Gorge MLS RETS (RGMLS-RETS)
      a633 Southern Piedmont Land & Lake Association of Realtors (SPLLAR)

      Note: If there are any MLS’s on the above list in which your client would like Sold Data added just send an email to

      I will be updating this list as new MLS are added to the system.

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    • deevoweb
      Post count: 9

      Any updates on new intraday updates coming out? I seriously have like 4 big clients who are about to bail on IDX Broker because the updates are too slow. I keep them holding on hoping that this is going to be available to them soon, but, they are getting SUPER impatient. Basically what I am hearing is 15-30 minute updates is the new standard. If that cannot be achieved, I think they are going to bail.

      Also, with those updates, will that bring intraday property email updates as well? Right now it is still just once a day, but, that is not enough for most clients who are in competitive markets. They needs several per day (4-6 cycles) of processing new/change property updates.

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    • idxbroker
      Post count: 179

      Intraday prop emails are not currently part of the intraday updates at this time. While it will take some time to get all data sets on intraday, the process should speed up dramatically with each addition.

      In the end refresh rate will be as fast as possible while accommodating as many MLSs as possible.

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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61

      Any updates on the status of the images on this? I too have a client ready to cancel and go with another IDX.

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      • Nick Leech
        Post count: 179

        The image issue should be fixed now it looks like, however the data team is still keeping an eye on those feeds just in case.

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    • NailSoupMedia
      Post count: 45

      Any update to the list of MLS’s that have been programmed out to have intraday? Is there a list that are in line to get it?

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      • Nick Leech
        Post count: 179

        The list at the top are the 4 running intraday updates.

        That post will be edited to include the new MLS’s as they are added.

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      • NailSoupMedia
        Post count: 45

        So out of 700 MLS boards you have 4 small boards done and no list of who is next or ETA? IDXB is doing a lot of great things but this is troubling to the clueless like me. I predict clients leaving soon. Not just a trickle. Usually you guys put the programming toward the income so to do these and not MRIS or larger MLS boards I am wondering if the ones that got the preferential treatment have pictures of some of you with bubba the duck that you don’t want to get out. 🙂

        Maybe IDXB is not seeing this like the client would. Intraday has everything to do with lead capture. Right now If I had a 0 down and $10 a month Zillow website my database would have updates every 15 minutes and if both sent out listing updates where we both say “get to see newly listed homes before others” Zillows’ website sends it to them 15 minutes after it hits the MLS. IDXBroker is 24hours later.

        Just about everyone else gets that new listing to their clients before IDXBroker clients.

        Most of the markets across the county have a buyers war so every idxbroker client is on the sideline. Furthermore, agents market in their listing presentations that they are at the top of their game when marketing their listing on the internet but if they have idxbroker for longer than a month they know they are lying.

        I know the resources needed to have 700 boards running updates like others but this has been a year and a half since it became public and I have been very supportive in the Facebook private group and when clients call but at this point its getting hard to support when nothing is changing, we are kept in the dark not given a roadmap of who is next and the ETA of when the next 5 will be done.

        These are low membership boards and nothing has changed since January.

        Who you are going to lose in the next 60 days are the mid sized broker who is hands on and has 20 agents or more. The 100% commission or fee brokerage that is hands on sees this like the trouble with listing syndication…..leaking profits they count on. Between the listing syndication not working for months AND this all brokerages are losing money staying with IDXBroker. It’s the ones that are hands on that see it but seeing no one is talking about it they have been reserved about it. However enough people haven’t made an issue so its human nature not to fix it. Even here 95% of “Developers” have stopped reading it because they they don’t get it and just want to make and serve the pizza part of the business. They don’t think like the clients they serve and limit their success on the fact they made the site. The clients profit margin and having the best marketing tools for their listings is not a part of their menu.

        Now after 6 months listing syndication seems to be improving (not fully and in all markets regardless of what is being said) so maybe by Christmas two things will happen; 1. IDXBroker makes the game plan that the biggest boards with the most IDXBroker clients get priority and the one agent in one MLS will have to wait till the Padres win the world series, 2. IDXBroker discloses the list of boards in order that will be getting done first so all can accept it and deal with it.

        Holding out and keeping everyone in the dark has lasted 1.5 years but it won’t soon. Mid brokers will leave and give the other idxproviders ammunition to steal at will IDXBroker clients. This will happen by 4th quarter. Some will get their panties in a bunch and post in FB private group the sky is falling but even it happens all will be well.

        Doing this for 22 years I have learned that even this is no big deal. The client base is growing not shrinking so even if IDXBroker takes another year to catch up to the rest in the end they will still have clients signing up.

        I would just like to know.

        Oh yeah make broker featured listings available in agent accounts…not related but putting in every post I make from now on.

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    • IDX Leads
      Post count: 18

      No doubt there are other IDX providers out there looking to poke holes in their competition over this. That’s their marketing strategy. Although I look forward to the intraday updates rapidly being expanded to include all MLS feeds, every MLS system I have encountered has instantaneous email update functionality. This technology is not new and certainly not limited to IDX. The fact is once a day updates is fine for all but the most red hot and ready go to buyers. When a buyer reaches this RHARTG status the agent should be using the MLS for updates instead of IDX.

      I would tell my disgruntled clients that IDX is not intended to replace MLS functionality. They still need to do their jobs as real estate agents and use every resource at their disposal to help their buyers succeed. No excuses. If they want to switch IDX providers because they think they can find an IDX provider that replaces their MLS, or the need for them to do their jobs, they are allowing themselves to be bamboozled.

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    • NailSoupMedia
      Post count: 45

      I thought I answered this but the post didn’t go through 🙁

      I appreciate your viewpoint.

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