Build with IDX Broker Forums Enhancement Requests Platinum Grid Results Page: Make the "Star" in the corner more visible

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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61

      On the Platinum Grid results pages in the upper corner of each property there is a “star” that is barely visible. We are currently using CSS to change this to a “Save Property” button for client Ken Tribble ( He made a great suggestion to us about this and we thought we would share because it makes sense:

      “It would be great if you can fix the star. My limited feedback is that the viewer has no idea what the star is for. It is barely visible and hovering over it tells the viewer nothing. Saving a property creates a lead so that should be easy to do. Replacing the star symbol with a clearly visible “Save” button would be a big plus.”

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    • idxbroker
      Post count: 179

      Can you upload a smaller screen shot? Looks like the last one was too big.

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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61

      Sure – here you go!

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    • idxforge
      Post count: 31

      That’s a CSS fix, not really and enhancement.

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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61

      Yes and we are fixing it using CSS but I tend to agree with him that on the Layout template itself it is barely visible. It makes more sense for it to be clearly visible because this is a valuable lead generation tool for the clients. That’s why I am sharing it as a suggestion to improve the Layout of the Grid template because the lead generation aspect of the site is important and it makes sense that this should be more visible without having to use CSS.

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    • imFORZA
      Post count: 70

      I completely agree the base css for this layout and the star can be improved. Although I should always point out clients, developers, idxbroker, everyone will always have their own opinions when it comes to any design feedback. That’s why I think it’s more important that all the layouts get attention, and IDX Broker moves to a solution giving clients/partners more freedom for design changes. At this point I will just reference back to my original thread regarding the layouts/templates:

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