Build with IDX Broker Forums General Discussion Announcements Property Updates for Soft Leads

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    • Nick Leech
      Post count: 179

      Property Updates For Soft Leads is going live today 3/12:

      There are 2 scenarios for sending email updates to “soft” leads

      Property updates happen for active leads ONLY (verified and unverified)

      -Updates adhere to client/lead level settings and override client global settings
      -Daily Updates to Active Leads with No Saved Search or Saved Property

      -Lead cannot have a saved search or saved property
      -Updates will be sent for changes to MLS data only

      -Runs daily
      -System looks at a lead’s traffic for the last 60 days
      -Determines last details page viewed
      -Determines if there are any updates to the following fields in the last 24 hours for above property
      Open House

      If more than one field is updated for a property, the change with the latest time stamp will be sent
      Sold properties that get updates sent will still show listing price, for now.
      We can update this to show sold price once status category changes are done.

      Recommended New Properties to Active Leads with No Saved Search

      -Lead cannot have a saved search
      -Lead can have a saved property

      -Runs every Friday at 12pm and finds leads
      -System looks at a lead’s traffic for the last 60 days
      -Determines if lead has viewed a results page
      -If yes, system will use those results to ‘suggest’ properties
      -Properties must have been added within the last 7 days
      -Will send up to 4 properties in an email
      -Email will link to full results

      Note: The only way to disable this at the moment is on a lead by lead basis by logging into their Listing Manager account and changing the update frequency to never. If the lead then saves a search or property they would need to rechange the update frequency if they want to get property update emails again.

      If you have any questions email

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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61
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    • Nick Leech
      Post count: 179

      Yes that is correct! We are also working on more enhancements in regards to the property update system so there should be more to come.

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