I would love to see improved support for States and Countries. Right now we can already pull the API for cities and counties.
Both of these currently show the state info via the field stateAbrv
. I would prefer if we could improve on this by having more state information, and the ability to pull a list of all the states with an ID. Example of how this might look:
Example API Request: https://api.idxbroker.com/clients/states
Example Results:
"id" : "1",
"name" : California,
"abbreviation" : CA
Once this is available the cities and counties results can show the state id under state, instead of the Abbreviation. Then developers can choose if they want to display the full name or the abbreviation. It also will allow developers to display all cities and counties by State for any MLS/client.
Why we are at it, lets do the same for Countries as well, this can improve support for international listings.
"id" : "1",
"name" : United States,
"code" : USA,
Useful links:
Json list of the states
Json list of all countries

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