Build with IDX Broker Forums Enhancement Requests Request: Edit Broker Company Accounts User Password Email

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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61

      It would be great if we could manually update the email that goes out to the agents that gives them their password to log into their IDX account so that we could add things like our support email and instructions on how to contact us, video tutorials or other things.

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    • true
      Post count: 14

      Are you saying that you would like to modify the email that you send from your dev partner dashboard? See attached image if this is the one you are talking about.

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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61

      Actually I didn’t think about that one, but yes that one too. The one I am referring to is within the Brokers dashboard. See attached. For instance I have a client with almost 600 agents. I manage his entire website and when I send the email out to the agents from within the Brokers Dashboard with their username and password in it, it says the following below message. I need it to have my info so the agents contact ME for support (at the clients request) and I also have a welcome video with a bunch of short video tutorials showing the agents how to set up their bio, manage their listings and manage leads, etc that I would like to include in this email. This is the email that goes out to the agents:

      Congratulations, [BROKERNAME] has given you access to your IDX control panel. This login allows you to manage your featured listings and leads; including any saved properties and searches. Add this URL to your signature or website to ensure that any leads sent to your Office website are automatically assigned to you:

      You will find your new control panel login information below:
      Username: xxxxxx
      Password: xxxxxxx

      Please contact [BROKERNAME] if you have any questions.

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    • yoursiteneedsme
      Post count: 61

      I’d really love to see this option. Not only for single clients & Brokers, but for the Multi agents accounts. It would be an added value to be able to market to our clients and to their agents. It makes sense that inside the Agents account they have an option to be able to edit the email that goes out to automatically send the login information to their Leads. It would be the same idea for the Developers to be able to have an email message that we can use to send out to our accounts and additionally to the Multi User [Agent] accounts if we choose.

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