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    • true
      Post count: 14

      Is there a way to display sold data other than just featured listings that are sold?

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    • idxforge
      Post count: 31

      other than creating them as supplementals and marking them sold, not really. plus the supplementals are presented as belonging to your client so it’s not really a good idea to recreate other agent’s sold listings. sometimes it’s a good work around for when there are two listing agents on one property though. since only one of them is the “primary agent” that listing will only be associated to them in IDX, and if the account is a single user account that means the non-primary agent’s listings will never show in featured or solds. so making them as supplementals works in that case.

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    • James Call
      Post count: 9

      What are the plans for bringing the sold data from the MLS to IDX Broker.

      I understand that at NAR the rules changed and the MLSes are going to be required to provide SOLD data.

      We are getting pressure from agents to provide that information.

      What is your timeline for bringing that data to the IDX Broker feeds?

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    • josh
      Post count: 2

      Hi James,

      This is Josh with IDXBroker.

      Sold data is something that obviously adds a great deal of value to any real estate website and a feature we’ve been planning for and working on for a while. However, we quickly (and early on) realized that part of being able to offer this functionality would require a re-working of our underlying acquisition architecture.

      As such, the IDX data team has been working for the past few months planning and developing an entirely new system for our acquisition servers to retrieve and store listing data. This change will actually open up a number of new possibilities including not only sold data, but intra-day updates, more robust and scalable performance, and faster query times for front-end users (among other things).

      Though we are getting closer with this change — we are not quite there yet, and more work needs to be completed before we’ll see the fruits of our labors. Because of this I also don’t have a precise timeline on when we will be able to provide these features.

      I assure you as well as our other partners that we are investing a large amount of resources into this effort to make sure it’s done both quickly and with the best quality. Everyone here is excited to see the progress that’s made towards that end every day, and we know that it will be the system we need to deliver the kinds of features your asking about.

      As we get closer to completion I know that the business team will start to solidify target dates for specific features, but until they do — rest assured we are working diligently every day.


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    • idxbroker
      Post count: 179

      I didn’t think NAR could require an MLS to make changes to their data sets. They can make suggestions though.

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      • josh
        Post count: 2

        That is correct. NAR can only make recommendations. It’s still up to the individual MLS or Associations to enact/enforce them.

        A good example of this is NAR’s recommendation from roughly 5 years ago stating that all IDX feed providers should switch to RETS exclusively. As of this moment we still serve up ~45 FTP feeds because that’s what we’re being provided.


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    • NailSoupMedia
      Post count: 42

      Is there an update and more transparency on what areas have sold data displaying through their IDXBroker account and what areas are next?

      It would help knowing what your place is in the list. Like waiting for lunch having a ticket number but no “Serving ___” to expect when you might get your deli sandwich. Otherwise clients go nuts.

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