Build with IDX Broker Forums Enhancement Requests Widget search results do not sort featured listings to top…

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    • Brad Holland
      Post count: 4

      I’d like to be able to create a showcase widget that shows featured properties is they are available and only shows MLS listings from other offices if there are no featured properties to show. For example, if I build a showcase widget and set it to show 3 properties and use the following search:


      … because featured is turned on, (fl=y in the query string above), I only get as many listings as the office has available that fit the other criteria. So, if the office only has 1 listing that fits the criteria, there is only 1 listing in the showcase. And that makes sense, but if I turn off the featured requirement by changing the query string to fl=n, the 1 featured listing gets sorted out of the line up, and I only see listings from other offices.

      However, if I use the same parameters on an actual search page but turn off the featured requirement like so:


      … I get the office’s 1 featured listing at the top, and the remaining out-of-office listings below that.

      I would like the showcase widget to have the exact same results. That is, show the featured listing first and then show however many out-of-office listings it takes to fill up the rest of the showcase.

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    • Nick Leech
      Post count: 183

      We do have an Enhancement ticket open to change how the widgets function in regards to showing featured listings.

      If in your IDX Dashboard –> ( You have it set to show featured on standard results –> Then the widgets will respect that like the results page.

      All new features as they are added will be listed here:

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